Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chain Ferry Curry Mee~

One of my favorite choices for breakfast in Butterworth is the curry mee at Jalan Chain Ferry junction!! It is actually just a simple road-side stall serving beside a small corner coffee shop, with an extended area to accommodate the increasing amount of customers. Even with that extension, customers who arrived later still have to stand waiting for seats! Nevertheless, that simple bowl of curry mee is definitely worth waiting for a while~

The venue from across the road, can be easily spotted at a traffic light junction...

The curry mee stall, notice the extension at the right...
Notice that there are 3 prices written there: 小 (small), 大 (big), and 加面 (add noodles). The "big" means they added noodles and the ingredients such as prawns, whereas the "add noodles" simply adds noodles without adding ingredients. They do not provide any parking spaces anymore due to some sort of renovation going on beside the building. Therefore, customers will just park their vehicles by the roadside and walk some distance along the road. There are only a few tables in the "original" coffee shop, a lot more can be found in the extended area. This curry mee stall is the only stall operating at this coffee shop.

Bee Tin coffee shop, and there's the lot number 2497

The extended area
The curry mee served here is not the same as the traditional Indian curry. The soup itself doesn't contain any chillies, it's white in color (probably from the added coconut milk) with a mild sweetish aroma. The noodles is served with some small prawns, squids, cockles, and some other standard curry mee ingredients. The best thing that I like about this bowl of curry mee is the home-made sambal belacan (chilli paste)!! The chilli paste is placed in metal containers at every tables for the customers. After mixing in the chilli paste, the soup turns red and the taste is just great!!

The bowl of curry mee, and the chilli paste in that metal cup, RECOMMENDED!!!
The chilli paste comes with a little oil for some added smoothness for the soup. It is not really spicy as it looks, but rather it gives a unique belacan spiciness to this dish. Since the chilli paste is separated from the soup when served, kids who can't eat spicy food can still enjoy a bowl of "curry mee without chilli paste"~ Together with the squids and prawns, they added rich flavors to this bowl of curry mee, making it one of my recommended dishes!!

Recommendation Summary:
  • Curry mee

That's MY story, what's YOURS?

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